WASAC Provides 14,000 Kayonza Households with Clean Water

1,400 residents of Rwinkwavu and Kabare sectors in Kayonza District are currently rejoicing after getting access to clean water because of the just concluded project of Nyankora Water Supply System. In addition to the community, schools and hotels located in the area are also happy to have access to clean water, which is going to play a key role in providing better services.

“About 530 students of Kibimba Primary school are now pleased to quench the thirst with the clean water” stated Joseph Ndagijimana, project coordinator.

The Nyankora  project constructed, three reservoirs, six water collection points  and a 12.5-kilometer water pipeline and the reservoirs built contain a 200 square meters, 100 square meters and 50 square meters respectively. With access to clean water lively hoods for people will improve as well as boost the tourism sector in the area.

Nyankora Water Supply System project was initiated by Ministry of Infrastructure through WASAC and started in June 2020 and ended in February 2021 costing 882,502,361 FRW. It provides 192 m3 per day supplying clean water to Akagera Tourism National Park area and its respective surroundings.